
Login (automatic after the first time): email and password, run through the intro program if you see it

In future it should start automatically and be running in the background

The Contact List

  • Search for PNALL and add that
  • Add people to Contact List

Using Skype for Business

Anywhere you see a person’s photo (Skype Window, Office Program, Mail message) you can right click and start communicating: 

  • Send IM
  • Share desktops
  • Show video camera
  • Call w/ Skype – useful if you both have computer microphones (laptops have them, quality is not great; headset for serious use), otherwise use the telephone!

Skype Conferences

Use the Skype Meeting button in Outlook, it will add all you need to the appointment.

  • No chance of treading on others’ toes – everyone has an individual conference ID
  • Click the link to see shared screens etc.
  • You can call the conference number directly –OR- just have it call the number that you’re at
  • Conference ID – the phone number of the person who set the appointment
  • Leader Code:  everyone has the same, 1979
  • Project Code:  Whatever it needs to be