Formatting issues are a common problem with printing PowerPoint slides with the notes attached. Some templates won’t allow notes to be printed along the bottom of the slides. Below is a step by step guide on how to make notes appear on PowerPoint slides when printing.  


  • If the customer has not attached their PowerPoint presentation to the help desk ticket, ask them to send it over.  

  • Once you have their PowerPoint, open it with SharePoint 

  • Click file, and then download as. Download the file to your OneDrive 

  • Open the PowerPoint using the PowerPoint app. Also, open a new PowerPoint presentation that you will use to transfer the content to.  

  • Copy every slide from the original PowerPoint and paste them into the new one. 

  • Using the new PowerPoint, along the top of the screen, click view. Then click Notes Master in the Master Views section 


  • The default Notes Master page will be displayed, which is what we want.  


  • Click Close Master View.  

  • Under the View tab at the top of the page, click Notes Page in the Presentation Views section.  

  • Make sure you’re at the top of the page 

  • Right click the gray area between the slide and the note 


  • Click notes layout, and the check Reapply master. Click OK.  

  • The note page view of the slide should now look like this. 


  • Do this for every slide that has a note attached to it.  

  • Save your progress and check to see if your changes are being formatted correctly. 

  • Click File at the top of the screen, and then click print.  

  • Change the full-page slide option to Notes Pages.  


  • The Notes Page preview should be similar to this. 


  • Once you are finished, email the new version of the PowerPoint back to the customer.